The request can be for one type of facilitation and authorization or one of them at the same time.
The required data are as follows:
– Start date
– End date
– Facilitation
– Authorization
– Specification of the place or facility to be visited
It should first be noted that the request must be made at least three working days in advance of the arrival date. The earliest date for making the request is given for this purpose. Obviously, no requests can be entered before that date.
After the request, the necessary documents for the request made will be requested. Normally, in addition to the applicant’s ID, the reservation made or mailing received.
After the application you will have to wait for confirmation from Pisamo to be eligible.
Each request is assigned a number which is the code to be entered in order to make the reservation or benefit from the reduction online or by submitting the pdf document, also available in the request list, generated for this purpose.
The list of requests shows the “status” which can take the following values:
– To be confirmed, pending confirmation from Pisamo;
– Confirmed, it can be used for reservation or permit purchase;
– Used.
In addition to the attachments automatically generated by the application, it is possible to send additional documentation, which is deemed useful for the purpose of the request, by clicking on the “Send Document” button in the list of requests.